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Zodiac Dates to Find Your Exact Sun Sign

Saptakee Sengupta
Studying zodiac dates have captured the interest of millions since ancient times because they are connected with our destiny and character.
Zodiac signs and symbols have fascinated human beings since ages and the sole reason behind this is associated with the belief that our destiny is ruled by celestial bodies and the zodiac symbols.
Astrologers have discovered a circle of 12 zodiac signs, each having a specific date line which is created according to the position of the zodiacs on celestial longitude. Knowing the zodiac dates shall help you in finding out your zodiac symbol. Furthermore, the characteristic traits of a person are synonymous to the zodiac to which he/she belongs. We have presented you the complete zodiac calendar over here.

Zodiac Dates Calendar

Aries: Mar 21 - Apr 20
Zodiac Element : Fire Impulsive, accident prone, stubborn, courageous, forthright, leadership qualities, short-sighted, reckless, sportive.
Taurus: Apr 21 - May 21
Zodiac Element : Earth Gentle, stubborn, passionate, loving, temperamental, materialistic, possessive, determined, conservative, homely.
Gemini: May 22 - Jun 21
Zodiac Element : Air Clever, energetic, imaginative, witty, adaptable, superficial, indecisive, devious, impulsive, restless.
Cancer: Jun 22 - Jul 22
Zodiac Element : Water Homely, traditional, loving, moody, sympathetic, fickle, friendly, helpful, sensitive, manipulative, lazy, selfish

Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22
Zodiac Element : Fire Dramatic, idealistic, creative, romantic, optimistic, cruel, boastful, autocratic, childish, generous, dignified
Virgo: Aug 23 - Sep 23
Zodiac Element : Earth Studious, methodical, scientific, humane, clean, perfectionist, skeptical, sloppy, self-centered, melancholic, pedantic
Libra: Sep 24 - Oct 23
Zodiac Element : Air Persuasive, cooperative, companionable, peace-loving, friendly, idealistic, hospitable, indecisive, superficial, unreliable
Scorpio: Oct 24 - Nov 22
Zodiac Element : Water Loyal, passionate, dynamic, observant, jealous, obsessive, suspicious, unyielding, manipulative, resourceful
Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21
Zodiac Element : Fire Straightforward, broad-minded, athletic, freedom loving, religious, generous, blunt, impatient, talkative, exaggerative, argumentative
Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 20
Zodiac Element : Earth Scrupulous, conventional, cautious, practical, hardworking, economical, serious, fatalistic, brooding, unforgiving, domineering
Aquarius: Jan 21 - Feb 19
Zodiac Element : Air Independent, individualistic, logical, inventive, clever, witty, original, unemotional, stubborn, sarcastic, aloof
Pisces: Feb 20 - Mar 20
Zodiac Element : Water Compassionate, devoted, imaginative, adaptable, accepting, escapist, lazy, indecisive, oversensitive
From the zodiac dates given above, I'm sure you have found out your zodiac symbol and have also connected to its attributes. The aforementioned zodiac names (Latin) and their respective date lines are acknowledged universally though there are several other connotations in Greek, Sanskrit, English, etc.